Featured Works

We are pleased to feature and highlight three paintings from our various collections. These works represent a sampling of the  dynamic artistic expressions that we are currently showcasing and offering this season.

Please click on the image to enlarge the painting or click on the Learn More tab to see the painting within its collection. 

Feature 1: Phenomenal Woman

Phenomenal is the woman that embodies life and power. This painting captures the vibrant colors of Mother earth and all of her glory that soars through her voice. The medium is acrylic on canvas.
30 x 40



Feature 2: Heavy is the Crown

This is a piece that reflects the burden of the Black bourgeoisie and the effect upon the souls of these black folk. It is abstract but representational of the burden. The images in the top hats embody the current stresses of Black America. In addition, the three images are signals of distress. The medium is acrylic and pencil on heavy paper.        30 x 22.5


Feature 3: Invisible but Happy and Vibrant

We have such a rich heritage,
and we live such vibrant lives, 
yet in the eyes of many...
we are still invisible.

This is an acrylic painting with mixed media to create texture and feeling.
30 x 40